New Testament Greek To Hebrew Dictionary: 500 Greek Words...

New Testament Greek To Hebrew Dictionary: 500 Greek Words and Names Retranslated Back into Hebrew for English Readers

Benner Jeff A.
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Publisher: Virtualbookworm Publishing
Publication date: 2011
ISBN: 978-1602647497
Number of pages: 131Recent archeological and linguistic evidence reveals that the Jews of the New Testament era spoke Hebrew, not Greek as has been taught for so many years. With this revelation, we can conclude that the teachings of the New Testament were first conveyed, either in spoken or written form, in Hebrew, which means that the New Testament must be understood from a Hebraic perspective and not a Greek one. The first step in this process is to translate the Greek words of the New Testament into Hebrew. While translating the Greek words into Hebrew, may sound overwhelming for many, it is in fact, a very simple process that anyone can perform, even without any prior studies in Greek or Hebrew. All that is required is a Strong's Concordance and this book. This book lists the five hundred most frequent Greek words of the New Testament and provides their Hebrew translations and Hebraic definitions, with all Greek and Hebrew words cross-referenced with Strong's numbers.
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